
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

One Year.

It's hard to believe it's been a year. Some days it feels like 3, some days it feels like yesterday. I love you, peanut. Thank you, Lord, for letting me carry that special gift for a little while. Hold my baby close, please. One day, Mommy will be there to hold and kiss you a million billion times. I love you always always always!

Friday, December 14, 2012


I've been praying HARD for these families. Lord, wrap your arms around them. Comfort them as only your peace and grace and love can. Hold them close, for they are truly hurting and heartbroken.
I know the hurt of losing a baby. You love them so much already. But I couldn't begin to imagine the pain of losing a child that I had gotten to get to know, and watch grow. So please, Lord. Hold these families close right now and in the future. They are hurting terribly. Help them please. Amen.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


"It was then that I carried you."
I carried you. Then He carried you. For a while He had to carry me, too.
I only got to carry you for a little while, but I will carry you in my heart always.
This time, last year, I was pregnant with you. I was a little scared, happy, and starting to get excited. I was trusting and leaning on God. I had to let Him carry you, though. I don't understand, but I trust. The 17th will be hard, but I know He will help me, just like last year. I love you, baby. Always. always. always.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

You'll just have Heaven before we do, baby.

Peanut, HOW has it been a year since I found out I was pregnant with you? I can't believe it. You'd be almost 4 months old now, if you'd been born on your due date. It's so hard to believe.
I miss you, peanut. I love you SO much, don't you EVER forget that. Mommy loves you. I will carry you in my heart always.
I found a song called Glory Baby. That's where I found the title for this post. I loved it. "You'll just have Heaven before we do." I just know they're holding you and loving you until I get there. I'll have you and Heaven and our sweet Jesus one day, peanut. Be patient, He's not done with me yet.
I found this one that almost made Mommy cry. "No farewell words were spoken. No time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it. And only God knows why." He knows baby. You were too beautiful to be here. You got Heaven before I did, but one day, I'll be there with you, peanut. Until then, I love you. Sweet dreams baby.