
Monday, October 29, 2012

Want Some Positive With That Negative?

Peanut baby, you know I try to be a good person. To not have mean or rude thoughts about others. But they're there. Ohhhh, they're there. I'm venting tonight. I know, I know, but I need it off my chest, so bear with me, chunky.
People who lock doors when you don't have your key. Grrr. Didn't like being locked out of our room. (Haha this one's just making me laugh now.)
People who dress inappropriately. Just because it zips doesn't mean it fits. Modest is hottest. (Not trying to be rude, everyone is beautiful in their uniqueness, just cover yourself appropriately.)
People who complain about their kids all the time. You should feel blessed you have them. I'd give anything to have my baby. ANYTHING. You know that, right, P?
People who are constantly being hypocritical. Just stop, PLEASE. That do as I say, not as I do crap? Yeah that doesn't mean anything. It doesn't work and it just makes you look like even more of a hypocrite.
People who are rude to their friends/significant other/families when other people are present. Save that for privacy. And DON'T let the sun go down on your anger.

NOW, to counter the negative, some positive.
Peoples who drop everything to come get you from work and eat dinner with you. The same peoples you can talk to for 2 hours and not run out of things to talk about. :) (Shanaynay and Taytay)
People who check on you everyday when you're sick, or when they know you're having a long or bad day. :) (MOMMY) (MyZachieCole)
People who always defend you and have your back. :)
People who go out of their way to help you, or to show you some kindness. :) (Strangers)
People who make me laugh. :) (MyZacAttack) (Shainalynn and Taylorblake)
People who love you no matter how sick you are, how bad of a day you've had, or how cranky/moody you get. :) (All my peanut lovers)
I just wanna say thank you to the people in this bottom part, you know who you are, and I love you for that.
And for every negative thing in my life, I have 10 positive things to be happy about. And I'm sooo thankful for that.
If I only had what I gave thanks for tomorrow, well...
Thank you, Lord, for my health. I may be sick, but it's not too serious (maybe an upper respiratory infect) and I'm still alive.
Thank you, God, so so so much for Zac. You know I'd be lost without him. I love him so much. He's my better half, he completely completes me, and he makes me want to be a better me. <3
Thank you, Jesus, for a place to live, food in my stomach, clothes on my back, a job I love, and that I can go to school. These things I take for granted, but that are soooo important.
Thank you Lord, for all of my family and my friends. You know how I lean on them so.
Thank you God, for the precious gift of your Son, who died for me. Without Him, I'd be lost and dead inside. There's not enough thanks for this!!!
Thank you Jesus, that I got to be a Mommy for a little while, and for holding my baby for me. Give our baby a couple of sloppy kisses for me. (Those are for you my chunky little peanut baby.)
Sweet dreams baby. Sweet dreams everyone. Don't forget to keep your faith. Hold it close to your heart.

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